Comparable digital drone data allows an operator to document a site or a natural object’s evolution over time, down to the finest detail, whether assessing a coastline’s erosion or the dynamics of a Himalayan glacier.




Glacier Monitoring


The use of UAVs can bridge the gap between cumbersome field work and coarse resolution satellite imagery, and provide critical, detailed information about glacier change.





Snow & Avalanche Monitoring


Measuring snow depth around a mountain can be a tedious, challenging job—but is a crucial part of predicting dangerous, often deadly, avalanches.

Typically, this requires manually drilling the snow, which means workers must bring heavy equipment to dig out room-sized cubes throughout the area being measured. Once the cubes are ready, the surveyor can begin measuring, then take the average of measurements from various areas to determine the depth. The cubes must be big enough to comfortably and safely hold the surveyor, and getting them set up is a process that often takes weeks.


Thanks to our LiDAR-equipped UAVs and Helicopters we're able to acquire all the data needed to create accurate digital surface models (DSM) to precisely calculate the depth of the snow.



Change Monitoring 


Comparable digital drone data allows an operator to document a site or a natural object’s evolution over time, down to the finest detail, whether assessing a coastline’s erosion or the dynamics of a Himalayan glacier.





From health analysis and biomass estimation to inventory management, planting campaign planning and impact assessment, foresters are being increasingly turning to UAVs to provide up-to-date data.



River & Flood assessment 


Mapping and modelling the changing morphology of river basins is a key application of mapping drone technology. Government transport departments, for example, are now employing UAVs to map ice jams and other potential blockage points as part of their flood defense programs.



Coastal management 


In many countries drones are quickly becoming the default method of assessing coastline. Their digital, comparable datasets are well suited to monitoring an evolving landscape, while their 3D point cloud outputs enable accurate volume calculation, useful for example when conducting beach replenishment programs.